Apple Glaze?

Cooked: 2022-09-27

Stored: little less than 1L 

What I did:

  1. 2L of apple fluff flavoured simple syrup from canning the apple bits
  2. Reduced about 1/2 on stovetop
  3. Added a solid sprinkle of cinnamon, a teeny pinch of salt, and 5-7 drops of vanilla extract
  4. Added the "good for four 250ml Jars of jam" packet of pectin that came with the canning tools
  5. Raised heat to boil and boiled for a few min until the plate trick showed it to be medium to thick gel
  6. transferred to a clean jar and refrigerated

Notes on this batch:

  • Not really sure how this will turn out but it was worth a try since most of the ingredients were scrap/compost/unwanted
  • 2022-09-29 tried it and it’s like a loose jelly. Stays in the shape you cut on the spoon and quickly melts in your mouth. Taste is very sweet and very apple. Meg suggested it would be good on a cheese sandwich. 
  • It was great as a roast glaze and apple sauce replacement.

